Read The Vernon Woods Animal Hospital Blog

Can I fix my dog’s “flat-nose” issues? An inside look at Soft Palate Resection

By Vernon Woods Animal Hospital | August 30, 2024

— By Dr. Miriam Renfroe, D.V.M. — Does your beloved flat-nosed pet snore louder than you do at night? Those of us blessed with a brachycephalic breed, also referred to as “flat-nosed” breeds, know the sounds of their pet snoring all too well. This is because most of these breeds are prone to Brachycephalic Obstructive…

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Pet Allergies? We’re Here For You!

By Vernon Woods Animal Hospital | August 15, 2024

— By Dr. Antoinette Jones, D.V.M. — A new season has arrived, and your dog is back to chewing its paws incessantly. This often continues late into the night, disrupting sleep, or your dog might be scratching all over, unable to fully reach that persistent itch. In some cases, you might notice your pet developing…

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Exciting New Oral Treatment for Newly Diagnosed Diabetes in Cats

By Vernon Woods Animal Hospital | August 2, 2024

— By Dr. Juliana E. Lee, D.V.M — Diabetes is a serious problem in our pet kitties, causing increased water drinking and urination that progresses to weight loss and severe illness, and eventually death from constant high blood sugar resulting in a syndrome called diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). It occurs most commonly in cats fed exclusively dry…

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Introducing Librela: A Revolutionary Osteoarthritis Injection for Dogs in Atlanta

By Vernon Woods Animal Hospital | January 24, 2024

Older pets bring joy and warmth to our lives. However, as they age, they are susceptible to various health conditions, osteoarthritis (OA) being the most common condition. Osteoarthritis is a painful, degenerative joint disease that hinders your dog’s quality of life. Fortunately, recent breakthroughs in veterinary medicine have introduced an innovative injection to Vernon Woods…

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